Joint pain can develop anywhere in the body where two or more bones meet hands, shoulders, neck, feet, hips, elbows, and back. Joint pain is one of the prevalent pains for adults. Apart from pain, joint pain can also cause a wide variety of medical issues. These medical conditions may include injury, but can also include more chronic conditions, which affects more than 30 million people worldwide.

In this write-up, we you will about joint pain, its associated factors, and…

Changed lifestyle and people working from home for a long time have caused the, to suffer from joint pain. The most affected part is our knees. Lack of physical activity further increases the problem of joint pain. In earlier times, the problem of joint pain in people was mostly after old age, but due to changes in diet and ignoring the right ways of getting up and sitting, now this problem can occur at any age. This problem would…

Joint pain is such a silent condition which makes us believe that we can never harm the bone joints, but knowingly or unknowingly we make some such mistakes which cause a lot of pain to our body and we are responsible for that. Today, in this write-up we will know what such carelessness we take due to which we face joint pain. If you are getting older then it is natural that your joints start feeling a little bit…